Mattoon in Motion is named one of the Top 100 Finalists for the 18th Annual Chicago Innovation Awards!

We are now in the running for the top 10 and other awards that are being offered within the Chicago Innovation Awards.
There is a People’s Choice Award. Let’s show our commitment to our region by Voting for Mattoon in Motion. We have been here before and have succeeded.
Let’s do it again!
Click here to vote, we are on page 6.
Voting ends on Tuesday, October 15th.
Tom Kuczmarski, the co-founder of the Chicago Innovation Awards, said, “This year’s nominees are some of the fastest-growing organizations in the upper Midwest, and we are proud to celebrate them.” See full press release here.
The top 100 were invited to a day-long executive education course at the Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.
Final winners will be announced October 28th. Be sure to Vote!
The winners will be invited to ring the Nasdaq Bell in New York City, and meetings with the Mayor, Governor and Cook County President along with widespread media recognition.
Let’s keep moving forward and getting the word out about our great community.
Innovation is not just in Chicago.