Mattoon in Motion

Youth Development Strategies


  • Creative enhancement and development in fine arts
  • Create hangout locations for teens
  • Bring shop class back to middle and high school
  • Develop more innovative programs like Class E (youth entrepreneur program)
  • Offer more after-school programs that support “Latchkey kids”
  • Create more programs that connect youth with adults ( possible project: mentorship programs for adults to train, lead and teach youth)
  • Develop a program to match scholarships to low-income teens
  • Offer a variety of youth activities year round. possible projects;
    • establish a team/committee to organize activities
    • encourage youth to lead and organize activities
    • develop transportation to and from activities (Dial-a-Ride)
    • offer parent/child activities
    • expand school game night into the community
    • leverage current youth programs and make them available to all
    • work with school and businesses to partner on evening events
  • Create more appealing drug and alcohol prevention programs
  • Develop designated youth areas
  • Positive police interaction with kits starting in elementary school
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